This is a TEST WebSDR of the Northern Utah WebSDR system.
This server is testing the use of a single RX-888 (Mk2) SDR radio as the single source for all bands. This server is experimental, subject to going offline and being reconfigured at will.
Although the RX-888 with ka9q-radio can be used to produce I/Q streams for all HF band simultaneously, only eight of them are represented here due to the 8 band limitation of the PA3FWM software.
Data from these other bands may be propagated via the LAN, or even used on a separate virtual machine running on the same hardware to feed other WebSDR instances, for WSPR decoding (as is being done on this very server) or other things like CW/FT8/FT4/RTTY skimmers, etc. This server will be used as a platform to further test such configurations.
This receiver is GPS-referenced, so the tuned frequencies should be accurate to better than 1 Hz.
This server is connected to the TCI-530 Omnidirectional antenna - the same as is used for Northern Utah WebSDR servers #1 (Yellow) and #2 (Green). Links to these and other servers are found in the control menu below.
For more information about the Northern Utah WebSDR go to:
More information about the WebSDR project in general can be found on
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USB CW RX:Check box, or put ?usbcw in the URL for USB CW reception.
CW uses a center frequency of 750 Hz and LSB by default.
PassBand Tuning (PBT):
Use buttons to select BW/mode or drag passband edges on frequency scale. PBT/IF Shift by Weert Websdr.Logbook:Time, frequency, your name/call, and DXCC information are added automatically.
View the last 20 lines of the logbook,
or the entire logbook(opens new tab/window).
More info about Noise Reduction, Notch2 & High Boost here
Audio buffering:
More buffering may help with drop-outs or slow/jittery connections.
Vari-Notch (Hz): Off
CW Peak (Hz): Off
Ref. Tone
Gain control:
Try "Alt AGC" for better AM reception, particularly with QSB.
Audio recording:
Recorded audio includes any DSP filtering, Notch2 or High Boost. Your browser may not support downloading the recording; Try it anyway, but if it doesn't work, please try a recent version of Firefox, Chrome or Opera.
Audio channel:
Sig. strength plot:
Waterfall view:
Or use scroll wheel & dragging on waterfall.
Toggle "Hide labels" if labels are missing.
Actual CPU utilization percentage is 1/4th of the value shown above.